National Cadet Corps, Govt. Hnahthial College has organized felicitation programme of the two meritorious cadets on 11th October, 2023. In the function, citation and cash reward have been given to Daniel Lalrinfela, Senior Cadet who was selected for Assam Regiment, GD recently. Certificate of appreciation was also given to Lalngaihzuali, Senior Cadet, who won gold medal in the Solo Competition at Combined Annual Training Camp held at the State Training Center, Tanhril during 7th to 16th September, 2023. The function was chaired by Dr. Lalrinpuia Vangchhia, CTO, GHC NCC. CATC report was given by Sergeant Remlalnghaka, Senior NCC of the College. Daniel Lalrinfela has share his experiences on entry of Army and also delivered a short motivational speech. Lalngaihzuali has a special item and sang a beautiful song. He also highlights importance of NCC in Army selections. Mr. Lalsiamthanga, Principal has delivered a speech and Ms. Lalzarzovi has proposed a vote of thanks and concluded the functions.